


•     面对现如今越发生活化和年轻化的变频发电机需求市场,如何重新定义用户需求已然成为一个极为重要的课题。我们在前期对用户的需求与反馈进行了大量的跟踪收集,结果显示,在凸显产品专业感带给用户信赖的同时,轻松愉悦的体验感和精致优雅的亲和力成为当下人们更希望被满足的使用需求。

•     基于此,一个全新的静音变频发电机系列外观惊艳现世,我们传承延续了华世丹一贯的风格元素,更创造性的将前沿的科技感植入,彰显了该系列产品理性的高专业性与细腻的高品质感,通过简洁大方的整体造型设计给用户带去沉稳的信赖感。与此同时,此系列一改先前发动机方正保守的块面设计,取而代之,设计师运用了大量圆润的曲面衔接各个模块,使整体造型宛如一块玉石般浑然天成,并且心思巧妙地在细节上采用了凌厉的小折角跳跃,为这款极具舒适感的设计更增添了一丝俏皮。当沉稳冷静的哑光黑与热情有趣的高亮橙在此系列发动机上激情碰撞,强烈的色调反差使其在人群中更为夺目,而这也正是ICON一直追求的设计革新与设计感性的魅力所在。

•     作为更多面向家庭和市场租赁使用的H2000iE,我们将提手与机体完美融合,同时隐藏内置的抽拉式把手成为用户最为贴心的惊喜,为用户带去了松更为平稳轻松的携带体验。整体造型温润亲和,在细节方面小面积的渐消面与跳跃的内陷面更赋予了产品精妙的未来科技感,使产品更显精致灵动。磨砂低调的黑色主壳与高亮俏皮的橙色侧壳相结合使此产品在彰显深沉的专业感的同时也为用户提供了舒适熨帖的契合之感。
•     How to redefine the user's demand has become a very important issue in facing the market of VF generator which is becoming more and more life-oriented and younger. In the early stage, we have done a lot of job in collecting users' needs and feedback, the result of which shows that, while highlighting the product’s professional sense to bring trust to users, the pleasant experience and the affinity with delicacy and elegance become the needs to satisfy the users.

•     Based on this, a new series of silent VF generators with amazing appearance is presented in the world. We inherit and continue Hwasdan's consistent style elements, more creatively implant the cutting-edge sense of science and technology, highlight the rational high professionalism and delicate high quality of the series of products, and bring stable trust to users through the simple and generous overall appearance design. At the same time, this series is designed differently from the previous conservative block style. Instead, the designer uses a large number of curvy surfaces to connect the various modules, making the overall shape as natural as a jade, and ingeniously uses sharp small corners in details, adding a bit of playfulness to this extremely comfortable design. When the steady and calm matt black collides with the warm and interesting bright orange on this series of engines, the strong color contrast makes it more attractive in the crowd, which is exactly the charm of design innovation and design sensibility that ICON has been pursuing.

•    As a device for more use in family and rental market, we perfectly integrate the handle with the body of H2000iE, and make the hidden pull-out handle into the most intimate surprise to the users with the experience of smoothness and convenience in moving. The overall appearance is warm and friendly with detailed small areas of fading and concaving that give the product a subtle sense of future technology and make it more delicate and flexible. The combination of matt low-key black main shell and bright and playful orange side shell not only shows professionalism, but also provides users with a comfortable fit and integration.

 服务内容        设计研究  造型设计  模型制作
SERVISE      Mockup Making , Style Design , Rearch Design
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